Phalaenopsis, by Dr. Daniel Joseph
AUGUST 2 @ 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM | Free
Hospice of Santa Barbara welcomes local artist Dr. Daniel Joseph, who is living with Parkinson’s disease and will display his art at a special, one-day exhibition.
Dr. Joseph, 82, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s shortly after his retirement from the medical field in 1999. Having been healthy his entire life, Dr. Joseph went into denial. His symptoms eventually progressed to the point that hand tremors made it difficult to even hold a glass of water. However, a friend soon suggested that Dr. Joseph paint with her, leading to a new passion that acted almost as a meditation.
Hospice of Santa Barbara will host a wine and hors d’oeuvres open house reception for the exhibit, “Parkinson’s: Along the Road to Hope.” Dr. Joseph will donate a portion of the proceeds from his art sales to Hospice of Santa Barbara, Inc., a volunteer hospice organization.
For more information, call 805/563-8820 or email