A piece by retired bereavement counselor Jim Hill.
Hospice of Santa Barbara is pleased to welcome local artist Jim Hill, who will display his art at the Leigh Block Gallery located within Hospice of Santa Barbara beginning Feb. 10, 2016.
The artwork in Hill’s exhibit was created within the last six years. Hill combines graphite, oil pastels, ink gouache and watercolor pencils to explore the mediums and how they connect.
Hill notes that his artwork is reflective of his experience working in end of life care. Meditation is an important element for Hill.
As a licensed clinical social worker, Hill had the privilege of working with family and friends coping with loss who showed the strength and resilience of the human spirit.
“With a large degree of humbleness, it’s about the life experience,” said Hill. “It’s the mystery of the individual reaching the end of life and the connectedness with one another — the loss and gain that occurs with aging.”
Originally from Chicago, Hill has lived in Santa Barbara since 1972. He has worked for Hospice of Santa Barbara as a grief counselor and for Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care as a mental health practitioner.
Hill also worked for the County of Santa Barbara’s Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services.
Hill’s relationship with art began as a child when he became fascinated with mixing mediums. His passion persisted through the years as he continued to teach himself and enroll in art classes during the ‘70s.
As an artist, Hill’s subjects rely on his internal processes which allow his art to take direction so he may explore the relationships between mediums. His art does not focus on concrete subjects, but rather on expression.
Hospice of Santa Barbara will host a wine and hors d’oeuvres open house reception for the new exhibit from 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10. The exhibit runs until April 29.
Viewings of Hill's exhibit can be scheduled by calling 805.563.8820. The gallery is located at 2050 Alameda Padre Serra, Suite #100 in Santa Barbara.
Hill will donate 25 percent of the proceeds from his art sales to Hospice of Santa Barbara, Inc., a volunteer hospice organization that volunteers its free professional counseling and care management services to those who are experiencing the impact of a life-threatening illness or grieving the death of a loved one.
For more information about Hospice of Santa Barbara, including volunteer opportunities, call 805.563.8820 or visit www.hospiceofsantabarbara.org.
— Angel Pacheco is a publicist representing Hospice of Santa Barbara.